Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baby #3's room

Here are pictures of #3's room (formerly Reese's room). It isn't fancy, but Shane and I love the blues, pinks, yellows, and purples. We are going for a mix of gingham, paisley print, and vintage. If you will notice in the pet net are stuffed animals from Shane's and my younger years. Anyway, for those who care, here are some pics! Also included is a pic of Baby's "Coming Home" outfit. Notice the "Just Hatched" on the little tee. Cute, huh?!

Abby Grace... just like her Daddy?

Last week, the girls and I made aprons to wear when they make crafts (also, to celebrate the week of learning the letter "A"). I hadn't taken a picture of the girls showing off their aprons yet, so I decided to do that this evening. Neither girl took a nap, so Reese was too cranky to take one, but Abby Grace was ready and willing. She takes two really good pictures, and then asks if she can make a funny face. Well, she made several funny faces (check out the slide show at the bottom of the page).

The blog is actually about how she did exactly what her Daddy does every time we take pictures. I had to take a pic of him in his suit for the church website on Sunday, and if you look at the other slide show, you will see what was accomplished. He always takes silly pictures. Abby Grace has seen this, and totally imitated him tonight. We all had a good laugh, but as I type this blog, it makes me think about so many things. She writes backwards, is really into astronomy and the solar system, loves the Bible and church, changes her voice when she "reads" different characters' lines, and makes up stories; all from watching her Daddy. It is really amazing what children pick up from the major influences in their lives. Despite having extremely selective hearing, doing things backwards (which can be charming at times), and being so stinking optimistic (says the major pessimist, here!), Shane is a great example of the kind of person someone should strive to be. I will be very pleased if my eldest daughter turns out like her Daddy (minus the selective hearing!)

The letter B

This week, we are learning the letter B. It started out being exciting because it is the next letter in Abby's name, which means that by the end of next week, she will be able to write her name. I don't know if I am teaching her wrong or what, but getting Abby Grace to make a line and two bubbles seems really difficult! Not to mention, the poor kid makes a line like her DADDY: from the bottom, up! I have *tiny* (see, tiny!) issues with this, but I won't get into them now. Shane DOES have perfect (really...) penmanship, so may-be Abby Grace will pick that up, too. Anyway, Abby got frustrated really quickly and kept telling me, "I can't do it!" and "I need you Mommy. Please help me." The truth is, she did a few really great B's, but as soon as she accomplished it, she went backwards and acted like she couldn't. So, we took a break from writing to paint birdhouses (as birdhouse begins with B). We will finish painting them tomorrow. Then, we worked on patterns with shapes and colors (a little harder than the fruit we patterned last week). She did a great job! The patterning really clicks with her. Next, we had "bears" served in a "bear" bowl with "bear" juice. AKA, Teddy Grahams in a Pooh Bear-shaped bowl and grape juice. After that, we were to try writing again. Let's just say she didn't really try at all. She just gave up. I am REALLY trying to be patient, as I'm sure a line and two bubbles are hard to connect to one another, but she did it earlier! What is so frustrating is that she gives up so easily, even after she has accomplished the goal! But, I'm no longer frustrated about it. She knows exactly what tomorrow will bring: more writing the letter B.


I have been homeschooling both girls (mainly Abby Grace) since 12 August 08. Shane and I prayed really hard about whether or not to send Abby Grace to Preschool, or to home school her. Shane decided that I needed to home school the girls so they would receive the one-on-one instruction, as well as, Bible instruction. We also felt that Abby Grace was not ready for Preschool. So, Shane works on Mondays with both girls on Bible stories and with Abby Grace on astronomy. Abby is really loving the astronomy/Creation instruction. She has become very proficient in this area in only two weeks.

Last week, Abby learned the letter A, and did very well. We made craft aprons and learned several words (including "Abby") that begin with the letter A. She also worked on matching patterns, the Creation story, and did very well writing the letter A. She is also learning the proper way to hold a pencil (taught by a person... me!... who does NOT hold her pencil properly); this has been a real challenge! We will see how this homeschooling thing goes; we are certainly stuck or blessed (depending on the day!) with it for the next year!