Thursday, August 20, 2009

Story Time...

The Letter, "b," brought to you by Reese!

Look at my 3-year-old! Isn't she doing a WONDERFUL job writing her letters? I am so proud of her!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another Day of Homeschool!

Wow! The girls are really loving school. Both are very cooperative, engaged, and excited about their lessons. I am very proud of them. It works well, because Meleah lays down for her morning nap, and gives us quiet time to focus on our lessons. We do our reading and quiet time in the afternoon while Meleah takes her second nap.

Here are a few pictures from our day! Enjoy!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

(Home) School has begun!

Our first day of school was a great success, as both girls really enjoyed working and learning. Reese is really in to all of it right now, and I pray that continues. Here are some snaps of our first two days.

Fun at the Circus!

A few Wednesdays ago, Abby Grace, Reese, and I headed to Dallas to see the Ringling Brother's and Barnum and Bailey circus.

I have to say, it was not what I expected, but for the most part, was an okay show. You can read more about our adventure here.

The girls had a BLAST! Reese made a new friend, as you can see. She adores "Miss" Stephanie, and Stephanie returns the love.Abby Grace refused to take pictures, so here is one of Reesey and me.
And here is the group of friends I met up with... we all look like big cheesers, but if you could have seen what our kiddos were doing...l-r: Stephanie, Rachel, Alyssa (with baby Colin), me, and Reese (who had just woken up!)