Thursday, January 8, 2009

My little shopping buddy

I went to Tom Thumb, Wal-Mart, and CVS last night. I had every intention of being back by 7:00 for church. I *blush* didn't make it home until almost 9. That was around three hours of shopping. Hey, it takes awhile to get all those bargains! When we put Reese to bed, she was NOT happy. It seemed as though nothing would calm her down... until I asked if she wanted to hear about my grocery shopping trip.

At first, she shook her head no, and then immediately said, "Yes." So, I crawled into bed next to her and proceeded to tell her
in detail about my trip. She LOVES to go to the grocery store, especially when it is just the two of us. She is great help, and I have nicknamed her, "Mommy's Shopping Buddy." By the time my story was over, she was asking to go see the nice ladies at CVS. When she woke up this morning, she asked me if she and I were going to the store today to see the nice ladies. When I told her, no, not today, she started crying! She said that she, "really wanted to go to the store with Mommy!" I guess I'm going to have to take her to Homeland soon so she can get her "grocery shopping fix"!


  1. How sweet! Little Reese is growing up so much. Wish we were closer so Aunt Rachel & Uncle Randy could hang out with them more. Oh, we're probably coming in next week so we'll try to stop by.

  2. Yea! It will be good to see you!


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