Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: The New Sonic Playground

Our small town has had a Sonic for as long as I can remember (big surprise, when the headquarters for Sonic reside in our great state). I am addicted to love their Cokes. Hubby likes their Sweet Tea.

Great. Now I’m thirsty.

Anyway, we now have a brand new Sonic that includes a fenced-in playground.

Looks like I’ll be getting my fix in Cokes for awhile {there goes the water-only drink diet}.

Well, it was supposed to be a wordless post. But, wordless might just be beyond me. Oops ;)

Originally posted at Amy Loves It!.


  1. As if Sonic wasn't good enough already! LOL

    Happy WW!

  2. love all the fun and colors looks like you all had a great day what a wonderful thing to make sonic even better


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